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CARTA, TriCounty Link Return to Full Service May 26


CHARLESTON (May 20, 2020) – The Charleston Area Regional Transportation Authority (CARTA) and TriCounty Link will return to full operations on Tuesday, May 26, with limited exceptions.

All riders will be required to wear masks or face coverings while on board and the agencies will be dispensing masks to those without them, along with hand sanitizer. Riders are also encouraged to maintain as much distance from each other and bus operators as possible.

Route 4 Airport Express and Route 203 Medical Shuttle will not return to service on the 26th, but will be back at a future date. The Route 7 HOP Shuttle will continue to operate on a limited basis for the time being. Full Tel-A-Ride service will resume June 1.

Return to Regular Service

As CARTA service returns to regular levels, staff will continue to closely monitor the ongoing situation related to COVID-19.  The safety of our passengers, employees and community members continues to be our top priority and we will carry forward enhanced protocols aimed at keeping everyone as safe as possible.

All measures put in place are intended to help keep our passengers and staff safe as we continue to move through this pandemic. With that in mind, please note:

  • If you feel sick, stay home and do not ride the bus.
  • Wash your hands frequently and avoid touching your face.
  • Cover your mouth with tissue or cough/sneeze into your bent elbow – not into your hands.

Required PPE

  • Masks/Face Coverings: All passengers and drivers will be required to wear cloth masks or face coverings when aboard CARTA vehicles. Free masks will be available for riders. Please take only one when needed to ensure we continue to have masks available for all passengers. 
  • Refusal to wear a mask or face covering, or acting in an unsafe, manner will result in denial of entry or expulsion from CARTA vehicles.

Social Distancing

  • Bus Stops & Shelters: Use social distancing measures when waiting for the bus.
  • Boarding: Maintain 3-to-6 feet of spacing between passengers when queuing and boarding. Have fares ready before the bus arrives to allow for a faster process.
  • Aboard CARTA Vehicles: Staff is monitoring capacity levels on all vehicles to determine if additional deployment is required to allow for and encourage social distancing. Managing capacity levels is a priority moving forward.
    • Seating: When space is available, please do not sit or stand next to another passenger. Seating near the driver area has been restricted.
    • Partitions: Temporary barriers are in place to separate drivers from passengers. Permanent barriers will soon be installed.


  • Buses are cleaned nightly with two hospital-grade disinfectant sprays endorsed by the CDC for their ability to kill Coronavirus and many other viruses. 
  • The sprays are dispersed using electrostatic disinfecting, which involves quickly and evenly coating a surface with a disinfecting solution.
  • Staff is also wiping down all hard surfaces and high-touch areas when buses are cleaned nightly and managers are visually confirming cleanliness each day.
  • We advise riders to try to take special care when riding and use sanitizer or wipes to cleanse any area or item they may come into contact with whenever possible

Please keep in mind that thousands of individuals ride our buses daily. Although it is impossible to keep vehicles completely clean at every moment throughout the day, what we can do is ensure they start out clean, that they are cleaned and disinfected every night and that any safety issues are handled as quickly as possible.

If you see any problems, please inform your driver immediately and/or report it to customer service either through online chat at www.ridecarta.com or by calling (843) 724-7420. Please have the bus number, route and time of day ready when reporting issues and do as quickly as possible to ensure a timely response.

Coronavirus News-Service updates

CARTA staff continues to monitor the ongoing coronavirus outbreak and the safety of you — our riders — and our employees is our top priority. Please monitor this page for the latest system-related updates.


Effective Thursday May 14, Route 10 and Route Route 102 will be modified to increase service and efficiency.  Route 103 will also begin running on a modified schedule.   These schedules will be in effect until further notice. View Route 10 Rivers Ave.Route 102 special schedule, Route 103 Leeds Ave. schedule.

View all current operating schedules COVID-19 modified schedule 5/14

CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) UPDATE 5: April 9, 2020

Effective Friday, April 10, Route 102 North Neck will operate on a special schedule in order to provide area residents with transportation to essential services such as food and health care. Route 102 will operate from about 8:30 a.m. until about 4:30 p.m. Monday – Friday. This schedule will be in effect until further notice. View Route 102 special schedule.

View all current operating schedules COVID-19 modified schedule 4/10

CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) UPDATE 4: April 2, 2020

Effective Monday, April 6, several of the routes operating on modified Sunday schedules will be adjusted to improve efficiency and, in some cases, increase frequency. Routes 10, 11, and 12 will be impacted.

View schedules that go in effect on Monday, April 6.

Trident Tech Loop
On Monday, Route 10 will no longer  travel around the Trident Tech loop and therefore will not serve bus stop No. 24 College Dr./Trident Tech and No. 25 Mabeline Rd./Trident Tech until further notice.  A temporary bus stop has been added to Rivers Avenue across from Trident Tech in front of the Textbook Broker store.

CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) UPDATE 3: March 20, 2020

The Charleston Area Regional Transportation Authority (CARTA) will run on a Sunday schedule beginning Monday, March 23, in response to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

Exceptions apply on Routes 10, 11, 12, 32 and 33, which will operate on Sunday service plus additional hours of operations. Express routes 1, 2 and 3 will run on a regular schedule. Frequency will be temporarily reduced on the HOP shuttle and DASH Route 211. Express Route 4 will be suspended.

Route 10: First trip leaves Rivers Avenue and Mall Drive at 6:05 a.m. and services the Superstop at 6:16 a.m. Several additional morning trips will be added. Passengers should follow the regular Sunday schedule for the remainder of the day. View the COVID-19 modified schedule.

Route 11: First trip leaves Meeting and Mary streets at 5:54 a.m. First trip leaves Tanger Outlets at 6:38 a.m. Several additional morning trips will be added. Passengers should follow the regular Sunday schedule for the remainder of the day. View the COVID-19 modified schedule.

Route 12: First trip leaves the park-and-ride at 6:20 a.m. First trip leaves the Superstop at 7:45 a.m. Several additional morning trips will be added. Passengers should follow the regular Sunday schedule for the remainder of the day. View the COVID-19 modified schedule.

Route 32: First trip leaves the Superstop at 6 a.m. First trip leaves Citadel Mall at 6:33 a.m. Several additional morning trips will be added. Passengers should follow the regular Sunday schedule for the remainder of the day. View the COVID-19 modified schedule.

Route 33: First trip leaves Ashley River/Bees at 6:01 a.m. First trip leaves Meeting and Mary streets at 7 a.m. Several additional morning trips will be added. Passengers should follow the regular Sunday schedule for the remainder of the day. View the COVID-19 modified schedule.

NOTE: Modified Sunday schedule will operate Monday-Saturday until further notice. Sunday routes will operate on a regular Sunday schedule.

HOP: Half-hourly service between 9 a.m. and 10:26 p.m. First trip leaves the HOP lot at 9 a.m. and the last trip leaves at 10 p.m.

DASH Route 211:
Reduced frequency. Service approximately every 20 minutes. First trip departs at Spring Street at 8:16 a.m. Passengers should follow the regular Sunday schedule for the remainder of the day.

Express 1, 2, 3:
Will run on regular weekday schedule.

Express 4:
Suspended until further notice.

Tel-A-Ride: Service will continue to operate.

CARTA Facility Leeds Ave.: The building will be closed to the public starting Monday.  Tel-A-Ride customers with expired ID’s will be allowed to ride until further notice.

Pass Sale Update Effective March 20

At this time and until further notice, certified mail fee is waived.

Passes can be purchased:

  • Online (Passes will be mailed; available unless/until administrative office closes.)
  • Piggly Wiggly, Yeamans Hall Road
  • Piggly Wiggly, Otranto Road
    • Note: Pass sales at Piggly Wiggly stores will continue unless/until closures due to the COVID-19 outbreak.

“CARTA is a mobility lifeline for many people, including those who work in healthcare facilities, grocery stores and other critical service providers needed at this time,” said CARTA Board of Directors Chairman Mike Seekings. “We want to offer transportation to those individuals as long as we can in a safe manner and in accordance with emergency guidelines. We encourage everyone else who can to stay home as we continue to monitor the situation closely.”

CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) UPDATE 2: March 19, 2020
  • Expired ID Cards – Due to the closure of SC Works offices, riders with expired Low Income ID’s will be allowed to ride until further notice.
  • Route 203 Suspended service – Due to parking services consolidation that will allow Medical University of South Carolina staff to park closer to facilities, MUSC has requested the suspension of Route 203 Medical Shuttle beginning Saturday, March 21, until further notice.  All other CARTA routes continue to operate as scheduled at this time.  Check here and on CARTA social media channels periodically for further updates.

CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) UPDATE 1: March 16, 2020

At this time, all routes will continue to run as scheduled.  CARTA staff continues to monitor the ongoing Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation and a number of safety measures related to bus sanitation remain in place.  Riders should continue using preventative actions to prevent the spread of the virus and only essential trips are recommended at this time.  Any service changes will be posted via:

  • CARTA website (ridecarta.com)
  • Most social media platforms (Facebook, twitter) @ridecarta
  • Transit App (Available for download at app store and google play)

Riders using the transit app will receive text messages if and when service changes are made.

CARTA staff will continue to monitor the situation closely and post updates when necessary.

**Tricounty Link routes also continuing to run as scheduled.

CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19): March 10, 2020

CARTA officials continue to monitor and remain in close communications with federal, state, regional and local officials regarding the Coronavirus (COVID-19).  The safety of employees, passengers, and partners are a top priority.

The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (SCDHEC) stated the risk to the public remains low and there is currently no evidence of ongoing transmission in the community at this time.  The best way to prevent infection is to avoid being exposed to this virus.  The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends everyday preventative actions  to prevent the spread of respiratory viruses like COVID-19, as well as influenza and the common cold including:

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.  If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Avoid contact with people who are sick.
  • Stay home if you are sick.
  • Cough and sneeze into your elbow, not your hand.  Alternatively, cough or sneeze into a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash and wash your hands.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.

CARTA Bus Cleaning

Currently, as part of regular operations, CARTA buses are cleaned on a nightly basis.  Additional preventative measures include:

  • Increasing usage of additional disinfectant sprays.
  • Focusing on deeply cleaning high touch areas more frequently.

**Disinfectant sprays used in the cleaning process are recognized by the CDC as chemical sprays that kill the Coronavirus as well as many other viruses.

Other measures to help prevent the spreading of the virus include:

  • Additional hand sanitizer placed throughout the main operating facility.
  • Increased frequency of cleaning/sanitizing public areas

CARTA staff will continue to monitor the situation closely and post updates when necessary.

CARTA Connects With Calvary Lutheran Church to Deliver Groceries to the Blind, Visually Impaired


Tel-A-Ride Paratransit Service Proves Itself Critical During Covid-19

NORTH CHARLESTON (May 12, 2020)  The Charleston Area Regional Transportation Authority (CARTA) recently partnered with a local church to deliver much-needed groceries to a host of blind and visually impaired residents in the Charleston area.

Joining with Calvary Lutheran Church in West Ashley, CARTA provided two Tel-A-Ride paratransit vans as delivery vehicles for the Friday afternoon support. (more…)

CARTA Takes Delivery of Local-Made Hand Sanitizer in Fight Against COVID-19

Local Distillery to Help Keep Public Transit Riders Healthy During Crisis

CHARLESTON (May 11, 2020) The Charleston Area Regional Transportation Authority (CARTA) received delivery of a 55-gallon container of hand sanitizer from a downtown Charleston distillery Monday.

Partnering with local spirit maker High Wire Distilling Company, CARTA picked up the drum filled with hand sanitizer, which will be used throughout the CARTA transit system in an effort to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 across the region. (more…)

Construction to Limit HOP Lot Access Through Early June

A Berkeley-Charleston-Dorchester Council of Governments Program



NORTH CHARLESTON (April 1, 2020) Due to construction impacts, access to the HOP park-and-ride lot will be limited beginning Wednesday, April 8, with impacts projected to last through early June.

Motorists will still be able to access the lot via one of two driveways located on Conroy Street. The accessible driveway will change as the project progresses. Conroy Street will temporarily not be accessible via Morrison Drive.

The HOP bus stop will shift to Morrison Drive near the Charleston County Magistrates Court at 995 Morrison Drive (Stop 266) for the duration of the project. Riders who normally use Stop 509 should use the new, temporary HOP stop. Pedestrians should walk through the lot to reach the temporary stop.

Beginning Wednesday, April 8:

  • The Primary HOP stop will shift from Conroy Street (Stop 509) to Morrison Drive at the Charleston County Magistrates Court building (Stop 266).  Stop is located adjacent to the current park-and-ride lot.
  • Bus Stop 516 located at 930 NoMo will not be served during the project. Riders can use stop 266 in the interim.
  • The HOP shuttle may be detoured while on route, but detours will not affect any stops.
  • Passengers will need to access the HOP lot via Driveway 1 on Conroy Street (closest to Hanover Street) via Hanover Street. Conroy Street will not be accessible via Morrison Drive and Driveway 2 (closest to Morrison Drive) will be closed.

As construction continues through June, passengers can expect additional changes and possible delays in the area.  Staff will provide updates via transit app, driver announcements and area signage.


The Charleston Area Regional Transportation Authority is a public transportation system dedicated to providing affordable transit in the Charleston community through local fixed routes, on-demand paratransit service and express commuter routes. For the latest on CARTA, visit ridecarta.com, like us on Facebook or follow on Twitter at @RideCARTA. All customers are encouraged to plan rides and track buses with the CARTA-endorsed Transit app.


Marquel Coaxum, Account Supervisor
Rawle Murdy
(843) 475-4208

Daniel Brock, Regional Strategist
(919) 820-2612

Service Detours Due to Inclement Weather: Update 1

Due to heavy flooding in the area, the following routes will be detouring:


Rt. 10 and Rt. 11 – Routes will miss:

  • Stop #45 Meeting St. /Four Mile Lane
  • Stop #48 Meeting St./Murray’s Meat Market
  • Stop #49 Meeting St./Greenleaf Rd.
  • Stop #126 Meeting St./Cunnington Ave.

Rt. 102 – Route will miss:

  • Route will miss stop # 159 Moultrie Ave./Elmwood St.

Rt. 210 – Route will not miss any stops

Actual detour:

  • Route will stay straight on Wentworth St.
  •  Right on Pitt St.
  •  Right on Montagu St.
  •  Left on Coming St.

Rt. 211 – Route detouring near East Bay and N. Market St.  Route will miss:

  • Stop #558 Market/Meeting

Actual detour:

  • Route will make a right on to East Bay St. from N. Market St.
  • Left on Hassell St.
  • Right on Meeting St.

Rt. 213 – Route detouring near Westedge and Fishburne.  Route will miss:

  •  Stop #568 Fishbourne/Burke High School and
  • Stop #567 President/Line St.

Actual detour:

  • Route will make a right on Westedge from Fishburne
  • Left on Line St.
  • Left through the Hagood Parking Lot
  • Left on Fishburne
  • Left on Bee St.
  • Left on President.
  • Continue up to Ashley

Rt. 104 – Route detouring near Turnbull.  Route will miss: 

  • Stop#250 at Noisette/2nd St.

Actual detour:

  • 104 will stay straight on Turnbull
  • Right on St John (which turns into O’Hear)
  • Right on Buist (which turns into Virigina) then back on route

Rider Alert: Expect Service Delays in North Charleston-area Related to President Trump’s Visit

Rider Alert 02.28.2020
Beginning this afternoon and into this evening, please expect service delays and/or possible detours related to President Trump’s visit and subsequent road closures.

Potentially impacted routes include: Express 3, Express 4 and local routes 11, 12, 13 and 104, though traffic impacts could affect areas throughout the service area.

Customer service representatives will be standing by this afternoon at (843) 724-7420 to share details as they’re available.  Riders are also encouraged to download the transit app for real time arrival information regarding their route.

Updates will also be available via CARTA social media channels.

Update 1 – Express 4 Detour

Due to road closures in the Tanger Outlet area, Express 4 will not be able to service the following stops:

  • Stop 788 Fire Museum
  • Stop 789 Saks Fifth Ave.

Alternate stops for passengers in this area are as follows:

  • Stop 431 International Blvd./Centre Point
  • Stop 432 Centre point Dr./ Fashion
  • Stop 425 Centre Point Dr./Tanger Outlet Blvd.
  • Stop 409 Tanger Outlet/Hotel Rd.

*Riders please be advised this is subject to change

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Transit App

Download “Transit” and travel like a true Charlestonian.

Available in the App Store and on Google Play, “Transit” offers numerous features to help you easily navigate around Charleston.

Bus Route: See vehicle locations in real time, find nearby stops, and receive stop announcements.

Service Alerts: Keep on top of schedule changes, stop relocations and other unexpected surprises.

Favorites: Always take the same bus? Move it to the top of the list by adding it to your favorites.

Timetables: View the full schedule for a route and set alarms to remind you to leave.

Countdowns: Get real-time predictions based on data from the transit agency.

“Go”: Get step-by-step transit directions and notifications about when to leave for your trip and when to get off the bus.

Plan a trip!: Compare trips side by side with your preferred transport modes selected.

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