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Adopt-A-Stop Program

The Adopt-A-Stop program, which allows businesses, organizations and individuals to “adopt” and upkeep unsheltered CARTA bus stops, has expanded to include the entire CARTA service area. Now almost anyone has the opportunity to help keep any of the hundreds of CARTA stops litter-free!

How it Works

  • Volunteers throughout the CARTA service area can apply to adopt an unsheltered bus stop.
  • Once approved a can will be placed at the designated stop and volunteers will be provided with supplies.
  • Volunteers agree to service the can and pick up litter at the stop once a week for a year.
  • Volunteers are asked to submit a simple clean up report form at the end of each month.
  • Volunteers will receive recognition at the stop they have chosen to adopt: “This stop has been adopted by _____.”
  • This is an easy way to give back and improve the communities we all live and work in.

*Stops that fall in City of Charleston area will follow the same criteria but will simply be managed by our partner Keep Charleston Beautiful.


Who can participate?

Any nonprofit, or for-profit, nonpartisan organization or group may become a sponsor of a CARTA bus stop. This includes groups, individuals, private companies, public agencies, churches, schools, school groups, civic organizations/groups, etc. Staff will review each registration to determine if the group or individual is approved to adopt the stop. CARTA reserves the right to decline groups or individuals for a variety of reasons including best business practices.

How long is the contract?

One year with a minimum of one visit per week. Volunteers are welcomed to visit more if needed.

Are there any rules or regulations?

Volunteers agree to empty the trash can and pick up litter around the designated bus stop once a week for the length of the adoption term. Volunteers are asked not to plant flowers, paint or alter the bus stop in any way.

Can I choose my bus stop?

You may choose any CARTA bus stop without a shelter. We will inform you if your requested bus stop is available. If that bus stop is not available, we will provide other options.

Can I paint the trash can?

CARTA will provide you with a trash can. If you would like to paint your can that is possible. Your design must be pre-approved by CARTA staff and should illustrate the theme “A Beautiful Charleston” and is not used for advertisement, promotion or self-promotional purposes.

Why Adopt-A-Stop?

The Adopt-A-Stop program is a great way to give back and get involved in the community. Adopting a bus stop helps make the community more beautiful while protecting the environment. Everyone benefits from this program, from property owners, businesses and visitors to transit riders. As an added bonus you will be recognized by CARTA at that stop. In return for adopting a stop and volunteering your time to monitor and maintain it, you can have your name displayed on a special Adopt-A-Stop sign located at your adopted stop. Plus, it’s free to adopt!

Current Adopt-A-Stop partner?

Please submit your Monthly Bus Stop Report Form.

Adopt-A-Stop Application

Join the Adopt-A-Stop family today and adopt a CARTA bus stop near you. Providing alternative to litter at local bus stops will go a long way to creating cleaner more beautiful roadways in our community. Thank you for your interest in being part of the solution to pollution.

Mail-in form
Return to CARTA: or mail to 5790 Casper Padgett Way, N. CharlestonSC 29406

CARTA will review your adoption application and contact you shortly to address any questions you may have. Once the application is approved and you have signed and returning the CARTA liability form, CARTA staff will set your trash can out and drop off your Adopt-A-Stop supply kit. Please keep in mind by agreeing to Adopt-A-Stop you agree to service the trash can weekly, dispose of the trash, maintain the trash can and bus stop to the best of your ability through regular litter clean-ups and fill out and return the simple, four-question monthly report. If you can no longer perform this activity please let us know.

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Transit App

Download “Transit” and travel like a true Charlestonian.

Available in the App Store and on Google Play, “Transit” offers numerous features to help you easily navigate around Charleston.

Bus Route: See vehicle locations in real time, find nearby stops, and receive stop announcements.

Service Alerts: Keep on top of schedule changes, stop relocations and other unexpected surprises.

Favorites: Always take the same bus? Move it to the top of the list by adding it to your favorites.

Timetables: View the full schedule for a route and set alarms to remind you to leave.

Countdowns: Get real-time predictions based on data from the transit agency.

“Go”: Get step-by-step transit directions and notifications about when to leave for your trip and when to get off the bus.

Plan a trip!: Compare trips side by side with your preferred transport modes selected.

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